TAG first:
1. WOMAN (sendiri tau la)
2. Viviane
3. Chiam Ying
4. oh, if Mr. Missy ever see this, buat je la. XP
5. no one to tag, =.= ah, tag ah sei tu je lah, ah sei, buat arr.. :D
1. Are you single -
definitely :)
2. Are you happy -
i guess, *esp. when i see Hungcl XDXD

3. Are you bored -
not when i see Hungcl XD but most of the time yeah, esp facing boring school work and exams are coming and i have freakin drama dialogs to memorize and group members are not bothered at all much? GREAT. :0

4. Are you white -
I wish, i wish i have FAIR FAIR skin, i hope my lemon water drinking helps. XD

5. Are you Italian -
No, and no thanks, im PROUD to be a chinese (also i do wish i was born in HK not MSIA. thank you.)
6. Are you intelligent -
HAHAHA, can i say yes? pleaseeee XD maybe a little? :D
7. Are you honest -
i would really love to because whenever i lie i'll feel guilty but sometimes.. it's not like im gonna say im really frustrated and angry and sad if you ask riteee.. it'll make people worry, and that's even worse.

8. Are you nice -
okay, im basically nice to everyone, but if you make me dislike you then that's your problem okay.
9. Are you Irish -
didnt i just mention im PROUD to be a chinese and that i KNOW chinese and im PROUD to take chinese for SPM even if i fail (okay, i will not let that happen okay. and this is really for those who still didnt take chinese for SPM after i wasted soooo much SALIVA explaining why there's a thousand reasons why you should take it for SPM and still STUBBORNLY REFUSE to take chinese. qwuiydrniquwehx)

10. Are you Asian -
these questions are like stupid, i've answer three questions in once and they're like asking, ARE YOU ASIAN. :0

1. Full Name -
Eliza Tan Tze Zhen :D
2. Nickname -
Princess XD (okay, i kindof gave it to myself... WHAT? XP)

3. Birth place -
HK :DDD ( i wish. X) ) MSIA la. :|

4. Hair color -
black, mummy says it's brownish. :)
5. Natural hair style -
har? all i know is that i want LONG LONG LONG hairs, thank you. :)
6. Currently living at -
HK. XDXD ( i wish again. X) ) MSIA la. aih. (to those that lives in HK, i ENVY you. LOLOLOL)

7. Birthday -
8. Mood -
imma in the i soooo miss Hungcl and HK mood XD

9. Favorite color -
10. One Place you'd like to visit -
HK? XD (oh wait, no, that's the place i want to live at, not visit. XD

1. Have you ever been in love -
in love with Hungcl LOLOLOLOL

2. Do you believe in love at first sight -
idk, hahaha, see leng zai then love in first sight mehhh, see Hungcl also not like that la. XD

3. Do you currently have a crush? -
eerrrrr.. Hungcl? XDXD

4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally -
you say leh, if some one in this age has never been hurt emotionally i say you geng loh. laksffhdku. thank you.

5. Have you ever broken someone's heart -
i hope not but i guess yes. :( im sorry.

6. Have you ever had your heart broken –
你話哩 :0
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them -
like i have ever told some one aku suka kamu like that

8. Are you afraid of commitment -
errrrrrrrr, can i say.... idk? X)
9. Who was the last person you hugged (a girl and a boy ) -
girl : tak ingat
boy : bapa aku boleh tak? X)
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to (for girl..must be a guy friend..for boy.. must be a girl friend)?
aku macam tak pernah cakap, reserved ke nak? aku pun tak tahu. (eh, must stop using bm lah XD )
1. Love or lust –
2. Hard liquor or beer –
NONE, thank you.
3. Cats or dogs –
Doggies :)
4. A few best friends or any regular friends –
a few best friends definitely (what's the use of having tons of so called friends but no one really understands you? :0 )
5. Creamy or Crunchy –
Creamy XD then i think of milk XD

6. Pencil or Pen –
pencil loh, i prefer to use pencil than pen when i do homework, but other than that i guess pens would be nice. :) so i guess it's pens. XD
7. Wild night out or romantic night –
romantic night of course, i dont go wild. X)
8. Money or Happiness -
happiness without lacking of money? :D but happiness comes first, there's no use being filthy rich if you're not happy. but if you're happy, being less wealthy doesnt really matters. :)
9. Night or day –
it both have it's own awesomeness, what more is, the Lord created it both, so both is awesome. :)
10. IM or phone -
phone should be better i guess (oh, besides the using money part. XD)
1. Been caught sneaking out –
never, i dont sneak out, thank you. :)
2. Seen a polar bear –
not in real life.
3. Done something you regret –
yeah, like cutting away my hair although it's for my hair's own good. :( i miss my hair, RIP (LOL)

4. Bungee jumped –
no thanks.
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor -
yeah XD like yummy chips that fell on the floor and i think it's a waste if it goes in to the rubbish bin so why not just clean it a bit and pop it into ma mouth. :D
6. Finished an entire jaw breaker –
7. Been caught naked –
been caught naked in the bathroom by mom, does that counts? XDXDXD
8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back –
9. Cried because you lost a pet –
yeahhhhh :( im sure jie cried more than me, i miss you Jay.

10. Wanted to disappear -
i wonder, more like being invisible sometimes, although some people treats you like that. :0 but it's better if they cant see you, so you can really like leave ANYTIME you like. :)

1. Smile or eyes –
both? :D
2. Light or dark hair –
BLACK. :D aku nak cari lengzai kat HK. LOL

3. Hugs or kisses -
both :D
4. Shorter or taller –
taller than me is a must. :D
5. Intelligence or attraction –
if he's intelligent but not attracting, forget about it, i'll just say, hey smart guy. but if he's attracting but DUMB, no thanks then, i'll end up smacking he's head because of his dumbness, mind you i get annoy when i see how people BARELY use their brains that the Lord gave them so generously. so well, both, thank you. :)
6. Hot Topic or Hollister -
7. Funny or serious –
seriously funny? LOL no lah, he must be serious when he's suppose to be serious, serious with me, and also he must be able to always make me laugh okay, be sure you have that level of humor because i dont want some one like clinton that thinks he has so MUCH sense of humor but actually just being lame.

8. Older or Younger –
he must be older than me, i dont mind him being a little more older actually, but not younger, im just afraid guy that are younger than me are WAY MORE childish then me, i prefer more mature thinking guys. i guess. it feels safe. XD
9. Outgoing or quiet -
neither, too outgoing isnt all that nice, and being quiet will just lead to silence okay, because im quiet most of the time, unless i have something to say. :) so, in between would be perfect. :)
10. Sweet or Bad -
SWEET, it melts me. XDXDXD

1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd –
Easter and Christmas presentation counted riteee... :D
2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour –
oh dear, i hope not, i guess no. :)

3. Ever tried walking on your hands –
that's that's dangerous... :O

4. Ever been to a rock concert –
nope, i want to go to Hungcl concert leh.. XD if he's gonna have one la, aku sgt sedih when tak dapat pergi music live tu okay. D:

5. Ever been on a cheerleading team? -
i see those cheerleader practice everyday after school then i scared edi :0

6. Ever went skinny dipping? –
may i ask... WHAT IS THAT? :O
7. Ever been on a blind date –
NEVER, i dont trust them. :)
8. Ever went ice skating –
nope, how is it like i wonder?
9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? –
im not interested in cars loh, the only car i wanted in these days is like you-know-that-LIMITED-EDITION- PINK-Myvy? 8DDDDD
10. Ever been in a circus? –
i dont remember, im kind of afraid of clowns actually, i think they're scary, you never know whose behind the mask. :O

1. Go bungy jumping or cliff diving? -
neither, thank you.
2. Watch a Horror Film or a Chic Flick? -
i rather go watch cartoons XD or or or I♥HK XD and and 72 tenants of prosperity, iaitu 我愛香港開心萬歲 and 72家租客 :DDDD

3. Go to Hawaii or Aspen? -

4. Play spin the bottle or truth or dare? -
Truth or dare... mmhmmm, and i'll ALWAYS choose truth XD
5. Cheat or be caught cheating? -
cheat la, but if you dont cheat, you wont be caught. :D
6. Read or watch? -
watch :D
7. Text or Call? -
Text (call hor, waste more money leh. XD )
8. Sing a Rebecca Black Song or a Justin Bieber Song? -
Hungcl XDXDXD or or Sherman ones are also very nice, and and Mr. ant (eh, new nickname dy XD) okay, he's called, Alferd. XD

9. Quiet and Happy or Loud but Hurting? -
quiet and happy, i would never like hurting stuff.

10. Go on Facebook or Tumblr? -
WB :D @womannn, see this. XD

errrrrrr, okay lemme see

1. I LOVE Hungcl
3. I LOVE Alfred
4. I LOVE Brian
7. I LOVE pretty stuff XD
8. I LOVE Ballet, Violin, Paintings
9. I LOVE.. (i cant think of anymore.. okay so..) I MISS HK, Hungcl
10. I WANT to go HK and also see Hungcl, Alfred and Brian. :D
(there, preettty 10 RANDOM FACTS about me :D)
1. Last phone call you made –
err, i dont remember *checks phone* oh, HOME, i wonder why? XD
2. Last person you hugged –
3. Last person you hang out with (friend)–
in school can arh? if not err, WOMAN, at my house. :D (besides school, tuition and church people la.) WOMAN, i MISS you. :D

4. Last time you worked –
work what? you mean job or something? no then :D
5. Last person you tackled -
heh? dont know, dont remember.
6. Last person you IM'd –
nobody on msn pun. :(

7. Last person you texted –
8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with? –
what was my last movie anyway? ohhh, Kung Fu Panda 2 with Chiam Ying and Jia Yin. :D miss them a lot.

9. Last person you webcammed with –
aku tak ada webcam lah.
10. Last person/thing you missed? -
Hungcl :( and HK... oh, i miss you mann X( eheh. ;)

送張俾我哩,洪 :D
what a long post this is....
送張俾我哩,洪 :D
what a long post this is....