Sunday, June 6, 2010


after helping THE woman change her blog layout
i feel like changing mine too.
BUT (there's always a BUT xD)
so de mafan weyh...
got to edit the cacated html....
and then like wahhhhh
take so long to help her edit..

yet, the thing is that
i haven't even decide which layout i want.
the newer one?
the previous one. (you can find it in my previous post x] )

but then hor...
super malas lah. xP
see first lah! xD (copy the woman's line XDXD )

i wonder if blogger can tag people like facebook?
i guess no. x(

i seriously rather FACEBOOK than FACE my BOOKS!
my mom would rather i face my books than facebook. xP

post something in your blog lah.

bang ask me to go watch shrek
but who to go with?
go where?
so many questions.

kla. sien weyh.
i think i'll end here...
what's with me and my closing line?! XDXD