yes, oh no.
exam's coming.
17 more days to go.
yet, not a single thing studied.
i know.
im gonna die. D=
and and.
outside edi paint the wall green
now some more paint the class wall green also.
i miss last year's class
oh pink wall, i miss you.
and the wall outside my class, it was pink pink too. ='(
christine must be very happy with the walls.
especially when the wall turn from pink to GREEN!
can't they paint other colours?
like blue or purple, orange or yellow.
MUST IT BE GREEN?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
i rather they paint the whole school white. haha.
but it'll be very easy to get dirty.
cehhhh, not like green very hard to get dirty.
i should dirty the wall more, make them faster paint again!
WAKAKAKAKAKA... *continues to laugh like a siao po* XD
YES!!!!!! viviane dah suka dia.
you noe it's a good thing when i get to know that
someone MORE likes him too?
it's the same feeling when i found out fish fish like Fung too.
aww. =)
fish fish say Fung leng zai. haha.
some how, i find it a bit weird when a guy say another guy is very leng zai
and wanna be as leng zai as him. =o
but anyway..
it's still a good thing that fish fish like Fung. =D
fish fish is da 烂 Gag Wong number 2!! ahahha
荷妈 is 烂Gag 王 numeber 1!!
ahahha. xD
oh oh, and today in school.
i do the chinese 读后感 that time.
i thought of the 家好月圆
and one part is the
红姨 tell the JO飽
“金蛇本非池中物, 一遇中秋便化龙”
ahhah, my fren say read edi very funny xD
i say the "千里马" like the "金蛇", and the "中秋" like the “伯乐”
the 千里马 got the 伯乐 oni boleh 发挥所长.
geng leh. ahhaha xD
aih, pzm sitll not yet send me the moral.
how to do leh?
how to do leh?