Wednesday, May 26, 2010
New Show - The Mysteries of Love
Cast: Raymond Lam (林 峯), Tavia Yeung (楊 怡), Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming (馬國明), Bernice Liu (廖碧兒) , Chan Chin Pang (陳展鵬) , Lee Kwok Lun (李國麟) , Mary Hon (韓馬利) , Law Lok Lam (羅樂林), Lisa S
Episodes: 25
Airing date: 24 May 2010 (after Fly with me)
Producer: Lau Ka Ho (producer of Heart of Greed and Moonlight Resonance)
Scriptwriter: Wong Yuk Tak & Leung Man WahThemesong sung by : Raymond Lam
Promotional Trailer : 1 2 3 4

This is a love story between a professor and a policewoman. Their dating experience is enhanced with sense and sensibility through the application of interesting physics theories on the investigation of various crime cases.
KING POK (Raymond Lam) is regarded as the youngest genius in physics and he is appointed as an associate professor in a Hong Kong university. Invited by his good friend LO TIN-HANG (Kenneth Ma), Senior Inspector of Police at Regional Crime Unit, POK assists in cracking many mysterious crime cases and he also meets the policewoman CHUI SIU-LAI (Tavia Yeung) during the process. The rational POK evaluates that he has fallen in love with LAI because of a love hormone called “phenylalanine”. However, owing to the huge difference in their family background and life value, POK fails to tackle their ever-changing relationship problems with formulas.
On the other hand, the romantic and uninhibited HANG has been maintaining a sex only relationship with the journalist LING MAN-KA (Bernice Liu) HANG doesn’t believe in eternity and he is only looking for sensual pleasure in a woman. However, his belief is suddenly shattered when he learns that MAN is going to get married.
景博(林峯)被喻为最年轻天才物理学家,受聘回港当大学副教授,並在好友重案组高级督察盧天恒(马国明)的诚邀下,成功协助警方破解多宗奇案,因而 结识了探员徐小丽(杨怡)。理性的景博清楚分析自己对小丽产生爱意,全因一种名为「苯氨基丙酸」的爱情激素所致,但由于两人的成长背景及人生价值观南轅北 轍,应用哪一条方程式已无法解救这段充满变数的感情..
另一方面,风流不羈的天恒和新闻记者凌敏嘉(廖碧儿)一直维持着纯情慾的关系,天恒自问从不需要天长地久的爱情,只追求快感燃烧的一刻,但当天恒突 然得知敏嘉快将与他人結婚时,才发现自己一贯坚持的爱情观原來不堪一击..
Synopsis Credits : Astro on Demand
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林峯 - 直到你不找我 (電視劇《談情說案》主題曲)
記得當時誰路過 秒針忽然停頓過
記憶不停重疊過 你的表情提示過
愛的 可能是我
想法太亂 幻覺太多
疑慮很大 直到說不清楚
心算太慢 但仍然算錯
找對人 偏錯過
直到開始找不到我 直到終於不想找我
直到你擦身過 才認得我
彼此也在折磨 像當初
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day.
mummy, Happy Mother's Day. =)
im sorry i din go out to share.
but i still love you.
this song's lyrics is what i want to say to you, mom.
Mom it's your birthday (it's Mother's Day)
Thanks for all the care and love you give
Not to mention the meals and times I get kinda nervous
And forget to tell you how I feel
Im a little high strung
Its just because Im young
Mom I adore ya
And Ill do anything for ya
Although my brothers(siblings) make me frantic
With every single crazy antic
And when Im bouncing off the walls
You're the one who stays calm
Because you love me for who I am
Ill always love you mom.
yes mom, I love you.
today rite, in church hor.. XD
daniel go and mengaku ah sei as his mama and papa.
waliao, bisexual weyh. xD
Daniel: 阿妈!! *looks up at yeong yeow*
chee fatt (2nd son) :阿妈,我要抱抱!! *looks up at yeong yeow*
John john (3rd) : *hit's yeong yeow* *muka jealous*
ahhah. geng leh.
then during lunch hor
i wait for the food to come wait until so sien
i go make a love shape out of the rice. xD
can see? xD
Saturday, May 8, 2010
yes!! i got it!!
yes!! i got it!!!
i've gone mad.
i mean hyper.
i mean crazy.
i mean siao.
ahahahah. LOL
it's the same.
i got Fung's albummmmmmmmmmmmm. 8DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Let's Get Wet. ♥
and the book of photosssssssssssssssssss. ♥♥
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~ ♥
he's sooooo leng zai. ♥♥♥♥♥
the album. ♥
omg, the price. but it's worth it. ♥
oh, i went one u.
that's how i got it. ♥
and then, my family and i went to makan dinner at
Canton- i.
Hong Kong type restaurant. ♥
i love love love the piggy bun. ♥
Friday, May 7, 2010
making us stressed out.
you arr.
making your sister and 'sister' get angry with you.
you arr.
kamu macam dah berubah to another person.
i tot u very nice.
then after PT then lidat.
tapi, aku pun tak yah nak explain dengan kau.
(LOL, so malaysian style. rojak. canto, eng, chinese and bm xD)
My Jesus, My Saviour,
Lord there is no one like you,
All of my days, I want to praise
The wonders of Your mighty love.
My comfort, my shelter,
Tower of refuge and strength
Let every breath, all that I am
Never cease to worship You.
Shout to the Lord, all the earth let us sing,
Power and majesty, praise to the King!
Mountains bow down and the seas will roar,
At the sound of your name!
I sing for joy at the work of your hands,
Forever I'll love you, forever I'll stand
Nothing compares to the promise I have in You.
Repeat verse
My Jesus, my Saviour,
Lord, there is none like You
All of my days, I want to praise,
The wonders of your mighty love
My comfort, my shelter,
Tower of refuge and strength
Let every breath, all that I am
Never cease to worship You
Chorus x2
oh well.
i decide not to type it all out.
i think i actually feel better after commenting at her cbox.
it's like im talking to myself too.
Girl, just PRAY.
the Lord will take care of it.
He'll give you the best comfort.
in his wonderful and mysterious ways.
For example, ME.
i actually feel better after commenting at her cbox.( eh, rasa macam dah type line ni.)
He comforted me thru my own words while comforting others. =O
cool huh.
yeah. He's cool. =D
anyway, now all i need to do is PRAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!
all EVERYTHING will be take cared.
oh, the Lord is GOOD.
and now this song pops out to me.
few lines je la.
My Jesus, My Saviour,
Lord there is no one like you,
All of my days, I want to praise
The wonders of Your mighty love.
then i forgot the lyrics. =(
thou i noe the tune.
so i shall just do the tune and go on without lyrics.
and this song is touching. me. NOW.
my tears feel like coming out suddenly.
oh, Holy Spirit touching me i guess. =]
anyway, i should continue doing my work
it's getting late.
i stopped after that thing happen and i wanted to blog.
then i read viviane's blog first.
then everything up there i typed happened.
get it? haha. xD
bye bye.
God Bless you.
Jesus Loves you. =)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
oh no.
yes, oh no.
exam's coming.
17 more days to go.
yet, not a single thing studied.
i know.
im gonna die. D=
and and.
outside edi paint the wall green
now some more paint the class wall green also.
i miss last year's class
oh pink wall, i miss you.
and the wall outside my class, it was pink pink too. ='(
christine must be very happy with the walls.
especially when the wall turn from pink to GREEN!
can't they paint other colours?
like blue or purple, orange or yellow.
MUST IT BE GREEN?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
i rather they paint the whole school white. haha.
but it'll be very easy to get dirty.
cehhhh, not like green very hard to get dirty.
i should dirty the wall more, make them faster paint again!
WAKAKAKAKAKA... *continues to laugh like a siao po* XD
YES!!!!!! viviane dah suka dia.
you noe it's a good thing when i get to know that
someone MORE likes him too?
it's the same feeling when i found out fish fish like Fung too.
aww. =)
fish fish say Fung leng zai. haha.
some how, i find it a bit weird when a guy say another guy is very leng zai
and wanna be as leng zai as him. =o
but anyway..
it's still a good thing that fish fish like Fung. =D
fish fish is da 烂 Gag Wong number 2!! ahahha
荷妈 is 烂Gag 王 numeber 1!!
ahahha. xD
oh oh, and today in school.
i do the chinese 读后感 that time.
i thought of the 家好月圆
and one part is the
红姨 tell the JO飽
“金蛇本非池中物, 一遇中秋便化龙”
ahhah, my fren say read edi very funny xD
i say the "千里马" like the "金蛇", and the "中秋" like the “伯乐”
the 千里马 got the 伯乐 oni boleh 发挥所长.
geng leh. ahhaha xD
how to do leh?
Sunday, May 2, 2010
i mean i noe how but..
if i do it,
i'll be exhausted. =(
cuz there's so much
and i would love love love to get em all. xD
anyway, there is still another
18 days away to my deadline D=
exam is coming
and and i haven't start studying a SINGLE thing.
im gonna die die die. =O
my mouse cacat dy weyh
why does all the mouse go cacat after i use it?
my old one, my sister's and my new one. D=
all got problem.
and i still have kerja kursus.
this reminds me that i need to finish until, where?
gosh, im dead.
kks, kgt and thank God i finished my kerja kayu last friday
oh Lord, SAVE me.
oh, and i didnt go to church today.
don't ask why
you don't need to noe.
i had TWO eggs for lunch
and some noodles plus veggie
actually it's egg, egg plus veggie and noodles plus veggie leftover from the egg cooked previously xD
and it was goood. =D
i watched finish The Seventh Day a few days ago.
hee, the show was very nice.
kevin and niki part was very romantic, and sad..
but bosco and natalie part was very funny. xD
i think i KINDA like kevin. hee.
in the show, he was so nice, very nice
to everyone, especially niki. aww.
he was very nice to his friends too.
and to selena, his was too nice i think.
he helped her soo sooo soooooo much.
that he doesn't mind being accused for killing her and all those stuff.
for FIVE years you noe. aww.
anyway, the song is good too. =)
it's called The Seventh Day. HAH. xD
that's all.
bye bye =)