Today..Merentas desa.... so tired....the track is about 4 km long...this morning got to wake up earlier...cuz at first need to go to skul b4 7.00 then take my sis to LRT station...not enuf time... so my mother got to take me there if not i'll not be able to get to skul in time to sit the my mother fetch me there...actually still very early one....haha....then later start racing first I was running one...then after one and a half km...I stopped...then I continued WALKING... slowly..slowly... 'dim zhi' my stomach pain...then walk slower...then 'man man' not so pain edi... then until almost the end...then I go n run..'dim zhi' the time finished edi... I was thinking....'zou zhi' no need to run la...waste energy... =.= then go n rest lo...end up I for got to take the 'gik hei' come half a 'pao' then go sleep...juz woke up.... then now eating again... hahaha...
Yesterday..latihan rumah sukan even more tired...cuz yesterday...really walk oni..hehe..end up din go tuition..I slept till 10 pm oni wake up leh...tuition center also close edi la... but then I still manage to sleep at 1 am...cuz 12 am leh..on bed edi... but 2 hours still cannot la..but then at 1 am I slept edi...
I can't wait till The Sims 3 is out!!! its out on the 22nd of Feb...but I think it will be expensive...see who really likes it n then buy it edi...I'm so gonna ask him/her to lend me... but then now I'm still stuck with The Sims oni....but I'm gonna ask Esther to lend me her Sims least not stuck wif The Sims... (The Sims 3 arr.....faster come out la...... >.<)well... I guess thats it for today...not much...hehe... >.<
Once again.. I wolud like to thank God for everything today..
although I forgot to take the food...
but at least I'm not tired tor hungry tat time...hehe..
give thanks always...
Thank You Lord..
Thank You...
although I forgot to take the food...
but at least I'm not tired tor hungry tat time...hehe..
give thanks always...
Thank You Lord..
Thank You...